3 min read

The oldest couple to climb Snowdon?

The oldest couple to climb Snowdon?

Regina & David Evans climbed Snowdon twice, both aged 82

Lucia Evans grandparents may have been the oldest couple to climb Snowdon together. In Summer 2017 they actually climbed up and down Snowdon twice! Lucia’s late grandmother (Regina Evans) was aged 82 at the time and her grandfather, who was climbing Snowdon for the first time since having his hip replacement (David Evans) was aged 82 as well.

Together they embarked on many journeys and frequently enjoy climbing many of the mountains around North Wales and the Snowdonia Park. Their chosen route up Snowdon on 15th of June 2017 was the climb up the Pyg Track and descend on the Miner’s Pathway, with their friend and grandson (Lucia’s brother). Lucia’s grandfather will continue his walks and is planning on climbing Snowdon again this Summer.

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